Friday, June 28, 2013

in the great wake

watch three smokers huddled below
try to spot whales
instead see logs drift
helpless rotten black
they're kind of like what you imagine
the killer whale's tooth to look like
after years of swallowing oil
smoking cubans or something

watch the gulls flock
in the great wake
your cruise ship turns the ocean
into a highway
white caps streaming like
dividing lines
you've been seeing these white lines
everywhere for days 
long waterfalls off mountains
and now even your beloved ocean seems
like one more strip of cement
try to think about nothing
use the gulls to clear your mind
see the dark one 
he's got a ceiling hook instead of a beak
the fat one gets blown out of the wake
has to flap to keep up
the speckled one lets the wind
push him in circles
the dark one flies past
eyes like tapioca

then the city your leaving becomes miniature
the crane and the freights light up like a fairground
but a cloud of sulphur sits on top of it all
then it all starts to look like one big ugly stain
on a hard carpet

you cross the straight

a tugboat heaves.

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