Saturday, November 12, 2011


your night lamp shakes

wax melts on the floor

your brick house crumbles

big eyes

sink further into your


if you're planning on

going back


I've seen what you can do

when you set your mind loose

tape cassette unwound

not even the oven

can warm a room

when you chill it

with your frown.

I left a year ago now,

motel closes early

so you stay in the parking lot

your guts want to spill

because you drank listerine

for miles

you collect memories

like I collect dreams

we both hold them in

glass jars

mine erupt from cocoons

shapes i've never seen before

gold dust when they're crushed

In the distance I hear


trumpet sounds

city lights

christmas on the

water tower

and the sun

wakes the plains

they yawn and stretch out wide

like your tired arms

but every night you sleep

through the earthquake

and every morning

I hear the roar

When I was young

I collected silver


I'm planning on coming home

to dig up the jars.
