Saturday, December 21, 2013

moving day

bag of empties
brown mango
food bank
14 in 4
the trash is speaking to me
black plastic 
over everything
a few things
roll onto the floor
gold rings
they are so 
should i take them
charcoal drawings
i shred them
my aunt and uncle
at the door
white sheet
over everything
the paintings
do i take them
i leave them leaning
this will be the 
longest I have
stayed put 
since the first move
it's funny because 
there is nothing here
maybe the silence is what
keeps me 
empty rooms
mark me 
they are pleasing to see
like a building destroyed
a pool emptied
a carpet removed
home I did not quite make
is there anything that stays
even the stars are liars
laughing at us 
dying all the time
but remaining

remember when
there were things
you would 
save from the fire

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